Saturday, October 12, 2013

DIY Photo Booth Props

I can't believe my baby is turning one next month! To celebrate the occasion, I am throwing a circus themed party! I will be setting up my own little photo booth for the kiddos, and lets be honest... probably for the adults as well... hehe! I decided to make all of my own photo booth props, since I have so much free time to do this.... ;)
Supplies Needed: Elmer's glue, felt, wax paper, scissors, hot glue gun and glue sticks, chopsticks (found at the Dollar Tree)
First, I did quite a bit of research on Pinterest and Etsy to see what kinds of props I wanted to make. I knew that mustaches are a big hit, but I wanted a variety of things for the photo booth. Once I decided which ones I wanted, I created my own stencils (freehand) on plain computer paper. Once I was satisfied with the size and shape of my stencils, I used these to trace on to the felt. You will need TWO of EACH shape/item you are tracing, since you will be sandwiching them together.
After I traced and cut everything out, I layed all of the pieces out on my table, with wax paper underneath them. I needed to make the felt stiff, so the props don't flop down on the stick when in use. You can buy stiff felt, but its way more expensive than regular felt, and I had a ton of felt at home that I didn't want to go to waste. To stiffen the felt, I (practically) poured the Elmer's glue on one side of each felt piece.
I used my finger to spread the glue out evenly. Make sure to cover the entire piece of felt with glue. Once the glue hardens (clear!) it makes the felt much more stiff. And yes, I most definitely covered the palm of my hand in Elmer's glue so I could peel it all off when it dried... like I used to do in middle school. SO. ADDICTING.
After all of your pieces are stiffened, you can start putting the pairs back together! I layed out each pair next to each other, and put hot glue on one piece only. I glued the chopstick in place first, and then put hot glue all over the rest of the piece. Then I placed the other half on top and pressed together.Make sure to press all of the edges together so they don't fray apart, but also be careful that you aren't squeezing out a ton of hot glue in the process!
Once glued together, with the chopstick sandwiched in between, use your scissors to trim around the edges any parts that didn't line up completely.
Easy Peesy! Great looking (easy to make) photo booth props! The back drop to the photo booth is amazeballs... and all I did was use shower curtains I found clearanced at Target! Check back next month for a complete low down of Charlies circus party!


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