So I have ALWAYS wanted a boxwood wreath for our front door. I think they just look so fresh, and go with pretty much any season! When I realized how much they were, I begged Peter to at least plant a boxwood bush in our font yard when we fixed it up last Fall. That didn't happen. So on to plan B! I did a ton of research and finally built up the courage (and energy) to make one myself! I know, I know. "You're a DIYer! Why wasn't that your Plan A?" That's what you're thinking right? I don't know! I have no answers for that! I do not have a green thumb, I kill every plant that anyone ever leaves me responsible for, so maybe the whole "greenery" topic of conversation scared me a little when thinking about making this myself. Anyways, I just went for it! And I think it turned out pretty darn fabulous if I do say so myself! ;) Here was my plan of action....
First, I grabbed an old grapevine wreath I had in the basement. It had some red berries on it and I kind of just ripped them off. :) I did see these at Hobby Lobby for $4.99 and I'm sure you could even get one at Walmart. You might even want to take a chance and try The Dollar Tree! They might have a wire one that would work just as well.
Next I took a trip to Hobby Lobby and went to both the "floral section" and the "greenery/bushes section". Hobby Lobby has some kind of rotation where different sections in the store are half off. During this trip, the floral section was NOT half off, but the greenery/bushes was! I found these boxwood garland bunches for $11.99 each bunch, but since they were half off, they came to 6 bucks each! I bought four bunches to start, and figured I could always return some if I didn't use it all. Just for reference, the code on the tag is 473942.

Once I spread out my bunches, I basically just stuck one in the wreath and started securing it with these green twist ties. The twist ties were actually harder to find than I thought since most garbage bags now a days have the pull string in them. Our local Jewel doesn't even carry twist ties! I was pretty much freaking out last night in the grocery store at 10:30pm because I really really really wanted to get this wreath DONE! Once I calmed down, I thought to walk over to the floral section and see if they had any kind of green floral wire. On my way there, I passed the produce section... Ding! Ding! Ding! They have these green twist ties for the produce! Duh! :) Now don't go around saying I stole these or anything... When we go grocery shopping we NEVER use the twist ties. We just tie up our bags in a little knot. So I was simply taking all of the twist ties that we never took in the past. :) I'm sure hot glue would be just as sufficient, but I wanted to use twist ties just in case for some crazy reason I decided to take it down and make a new one in the future. I didn't like the commitment of the hot glue... :)

I probably could have just used three bunches, but I wanted a really full effect so I ended up using all four bunches of boxwood.
Once all the boxwood was attached to the wreath, I came across a bit of a problem when I tried to pick it up! It got a little "droopy" and I didn't like how a lot of the ends were hanging. Solution, you ask? I hung it on the door and used a couple more twist ties to secure the loose "droopy" ends until I was satisfied!
It's still a little droopy, but I kind of love it just like this! As a final touch, I bought some burlap ribbon and made a nice big bow to attach to it! (from Hobby Lobby, also 50% off! So it was only $2.50 for the roll.) In my head I was imagining a linen textured ribbon that has wire along the edges to make it easier to create the bow and keep it in place, but this will do!
Now I just need to decide which side the bow should stay on! Suggestions? I'm leaning towards the right.... ;)
Updated on September 5th, 2013...
And the winner is.... drum roll please....
The bow on the right! :)
Thanks for all of your input via email, Facebook, and Instagram!